Saturday, September 26, 2009

Locavore sisters

This morning, my sisters and I woke up early and headed to the DSM Downtown Farmers' Market. There they are, looking all cute, as always.
The earlier you go, the better. The crowds are sparse, and the vendors are stacked with the best, freshest produce. We also got to enjoy some bluegrass bands and talked to plenty of local farmers who were just super-friendly. I love Iowa.
Of course, my sisters and I cannot pass up ANY crêpe stand...ever. Here we had some Nutella Banana Crêpes. Yum! So rich and delicious, calories be damned.
And here is my loot of the day - small, tangy Harrison apples, farm fresh eggs, farm grown zucchini, heirloom tomatoes (a nice variety of different kinds) and a selection of oyster mushrooms.
We are going to have some good, nutritious meals this weekend.

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