Friday, April 30, 2010

I just blogged to say I am sorry

I can't even describe how busy I am right now. I started the new job, and I've been coming in super-early and been leaving quite late. My brain is throbbing with new information. On a side note, I am now a redhead (from resulting brain hemorrhages) - pictures to come soon. On top of a grueling work schedule, I've started my intensive intersession class for my MBA. There is no end to homework and assignments. So that's what I do in my free time. Oh, the only thing I am able to squeeze in is to edit my husband's final papers for his law school classes. We are both so exhausted.
I am hoping everything dies down soon so I can once again focus on my own physical and mental well-being. And blogging... I know you've been waiting (I received a text this morning from a certain someone scolding me for not updating my blog.)
So, in cyber chat terms, BRB.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Random happenings this weekend

There is really no theme to this blog post. Instead, I'll just show you what I did over the weekend.

1) Saw "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" movie with S on Sunday. We give it two thumbs up.
2) Moved from my old job (see cube below) my new job with a much prettier cube - with natural light and a view...
...and more space. I am moving on up!
3) Saw "Date Night" with my sisters and S.
And AJ joined us, too (Ami and Adji don't look too thrilled, and S is about to punch him - lol, kidding. We like AJ. He's one of the girls). The movie was super-funny. We laughed and laughed and laughed.
(Ovaj smo vikend išle u kino. Ja sam isto promijenila posao pa sam stavila slike moga starog i mog novog biroa.)