- Review for the quiz on Friday. Read the study guide 10 times if needed - I want to finish with a bang. - Not quite there yet. Reviewed it once. Hope I get a chance to read through it a few more times tomorrow during my lunch break.
- Read the three assigned articles for the class on Friday and take notes on key lessons. - Read one of the articles. Two more to go.
- Complete in-class team peer evaluations, plus a self-evaluation. - Done! Ready to be turned in.
- Meet my team mates to review our final team project. Help with editing and finalizing. - Done! Reviewed and edited the paper. Wrote the introduction and added the cover page. Sent out to team.
- Import audiobook (a textbook for my class in Italy) into my iTunes. I am not going to spend my time in Italy with my nose in the book. Instead, I will explore the scenery while listenting to the textbook on leadership. - Imported 6 out of 10 discs. May or may not finish tonight.
I think this is good for now. I will update on my progress later in the evening. - So I didn't quite make it. But hopefully I can complete the rest of it tomorrow. Not bad...
(What? You wanted to know what's going on in my life. Well, here it is.)