Meet our baby Jack. He was born on March 6th at 12:43am. He weighed 7lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long.
Fresh out of the womb |
On Monday, I was feeling a little icky at work, and decided to head home a little early. Good thing I did, because as I walked in the house at 4pm, my water broke. We headed to the hospital and checked in at around 5:30pm. By 8pm, I was at about 5cm dilated and received my epidural. When the doctor came to check on me at midnight, she was amazed that he was ready to come out. He was born shortly thereafter.
Perfect little boy |
Sleepy head |
Labor and delivery were amazingly fast and easy. Unfortunately, I also had a fever during labor, and baby boy's heart rate was a little high, so they took him to NICU to make sure there was no infection. Everything is looking good, but he might stay at the NICU a few days longer just to be sure lab results continue to come back negative.
My boys <3 |
Big feet |
Peeking at you |
Smiling at "majka" and "did" |
We are crazy about this little guy. He is so sweet and adorable. He even cries courteously. Can't wait to take him home.