Saturday, June 26, 2010

DSM Arts Festival 2010

I adore the Des Moines Arts Festival. I have volunteered for the event every year. This year I have too much on my plate to do so, but I still got to go upon my sister's request.
 Here are some of the shots from this year's scenery.
The Thinker has an idea.
 Amazing Indian delights. Mmmmm...
We ran into one of my coworkers and her husband. Good folk.
 My other sister and her boyfriend joined us, too.
The sculpture park around which the festival took place, with the night DSM skyline.
I was quite seduced by the Thinker.
I mean - look at the inside of this thing.
We were also seduced by the jazz vocalist and the accompanying wine.
The Des Moines Public Library looks neat in the night.
And here is my partner-in-crime, my sister Ami. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have had one of the best nights this summer.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

In good times and bad

Yesterday's family gathering was bitter-sweet. My grandmother is very sick, and so my dad was preparing to leave the next morning to be with her. My aunt/uncle/cousin came over... did my cousins Budo and Yasko. We played cards and just tried to cheer each other up.
It is difficult to live so far away from the rest of our extended family, but I think that's exactly the reason we are so close and tight-knit. I am glad that my dad is going to be with his mom during a very difficult time. Love you, dad! Have a safe trip.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Shopping and drinking

Had a great time with my family this weekend. We went to an outlet mall to buy some clothes. I got a few items for my trip.
I also got to get my favorite treat there - frozen banana dipped in chocolate. Yum!
Afterward, I met with my friends for some margaritas and Mexican food. It was a fun day for some shenanigans.
These guys are bee's knees. Good times!