Monday, August 2, 2010


This weekend was EXHAUSTING. My hubby and I did some work inside and around our house, and I haven't had a chance to blog or knit, or do anything fun. My husband was a slave driver. Most of the projects were initiated and supervised by him. I was just a laborer.
Here is a list of things we accomplished:
  1. Changed several light switches (hallway & basement)
  2. Changed our door bell (the old one broke)
  3. Changed a light bulb in the bedroom - had to make a couple of trips to the hardware store because it is a special kind of bulb ::groan::
  4. Mowed the lawn and trimmed all the edges
  5. Fought the wasps by our garage doors and removed their nest (sorry wasps - but you started it when you stang my allergic hubby on his ear)
  6. Cleared the driveway and sidewalk of grass clippings (I really like our new leaf blower/vacuum)
  7. Swept our deck (using the said leaf blower)
  8. Beat all the rugs in the house (the blower is a multi-purpose tool, I'm telling you)
  9. Vacuumed and steam-cleaned all the floors (I didn't use the blower here... although I was tempted to)
  10. Organized kitchen cabinets and drawers (and discovered new treasures)
  11. Power-combed our shedding puppy (was again tempted to use the leaf blower)
  12. Organized medicine and supply cabinet
  13. Organized linen closet (and put all the sets nicely together, at last)
  14. Organized shoe closet (Goodwill, here we come!)
  15. Sold and helped carry out our old bed frame (thank you, Craigslist!)
  16. Went grocery shopping
  17. Did laundry - clothes and linens
  18. Ironed all clothes and put them away
  19. Moved the couch into the office (had to remove door frame to get that sucker in)
  20. Changed the door knob in the master bathroom (the old one would not lock anymore)
  21. Returned bottles and cans (there were sooo many)
  22. Trimmed one of the trees by our deck
...and so on. There was more, but I got tired from listing them all. I couldn't wait for Monday morning. :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Nice work! That is exhausting. Did you have any time to sleep? :)