Sunday, August 23, 2009

Iowa State Fair 2009

Every year, the State Fair officially marks the end of the summer for me. Since I am not a fan of big crowds, I wasn't planning to go this year. But then my friends made me go. They always make me do things.
The view from the Midway.
SB and me on the Midway. We were a tiny bit scared of the heights.
S, SB, and me resting after a long walk. Food-wise, I only had a monkey tail (frozen banana dipped in chocolate), a Bud Light Lime, and then at the end I caved in and bought some fried pickles. They were surprisingly good!
SB posing by the infamous butter cow.
Good times, despite the crowds.


Jennifer said...

I tried the fried pickles this year on Amanda's good recommendation and loved them!

beartifix said...

Oh I know! I wasn't sure what I would think of it - I am not really into fried anything - but this was yummy!

"B" said...

I knew you would like them! "I don't like fried foods"...suuuure!!!

beartifix said...

Once again, you were right, B! :D