Monday, March 7, 2011

Public radio stars

I have old person proclivities, such as knitting and listening to NPR. Well, tonight I got to see some of these public radio "celebrities" in person at Hoyt Sherman Place. Mo Rocca (NPR contributer, television personality, humorist), PJ O’Rourke (author, NPR contributer, satirist) and Peter Sagal (“Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” host) chatted about current events and Iowa. 
I love public radio nerds      

 Mo Rocca did a one-handed cartwheel.
And then he also sang to us.
In May, I'm looking forward to another radio celebrity - Ira Glass from This American Life. I hope it's just as entertaining.

1 comment:

twinsincognito said...

I am so jealous! That must have been hilarious! I'm laughing to myself just thinking about it. btw listening to NPR is what the cool kids do nowadays (so is knitting). :) Love you!